Department Redevelopment

CRG Program


The Commercial Revitalization Grant Program (the “Program”) is a reimbursement grant program offered by the Sugar Land 4B Corporation (“SL4B”) intended to promote new or expanded business enterprises by stimulating redevelopment, reinvestment, and aesthetic improvements of aging retail properties and commercial centers in the City of Sugar Land (the “City”). This pilot program will support the creation of distinct and vibrant activity centers by promoting attractive and welcoming public spaces, renovated storefronts and building facades, and pedestrian-friendly settings. 

Grant Details 

A reimbursement grant is available for up to 20% of eligible project costs. Minimum investment and grant funding amounts will be determined on a project-by-project basis and will be negotiated with the applicant as part of a performance agreement. The Program will disburse grant funding according to the terms of the performance agreement. Grant funding will be determined based on funding availability. 

Approved applicants are required to complete their project and submit all required reimbursement paperwork to be reimbursed for the grant award amount. 

Program Goals

Promote Economic Growth: Foster the growth of new or expanded business enterprises by stimulating the redevelopment, reinvestment, and renovation of aging retail properties and commercial centers that will help attract new workforce and families to the City of Sugar Land. 

Attract Quality Retail & Community Amenities: Through commercial improvements, create an environment that attracts distinguished retailers which will promote the quality of life of surrounding communities. 

Substantially Enhance Community Aesthetics: Improve the visual appeal and attractiveness of commercial areas by supporting aesthetic enhancements to storefronts, building facades, and public spaces. 

Create Vibrant Activity Centers: Encourage the development of distinct and vibrant activity centers within Sugar Land by facilitating the creation of welcoming and engaging public spaces that attract visitors and residents alike. 

Support Pedestrian-Friendly Environments: Prioritize the development of pedestrian-friendly settings to enhance walkability, accessibility, and safety within commercial areas, thereby promoting increased foot traffic and community spaces. 

Cultivate Community Identity: Preserve and enhance the unique character and identity of Sugar Land's commercial districts by promoting designs and improvements that reflect the community's values and heritage. 

Foster Transformative Reinvestment in Commercial Areas: Stimulate and support innovative projects aimed at revitalizing commercial districts and revamping the overall appeal and functionality of business environments. 

Application Opening Date

The application is available online and will be accepted starting January 1, 2025. Applicants are encouraged to meet with program staff prior to submitting an application. To request to meet, please email

Eligibility and Project Proposal Criteria

Property Eligibility 

  • Properties should be multi-tenant retail centers within the City that are at least twenty (20) years old and have at least fifteen thousand (15,000) square feet of gross leasable space.

  • Applicants must be property owners of multi-tenant centers.

  • Preference may be given to projects located in or around a designated “Redevelopment Area” as defined by the City of Sugar Land’s Land Use Plan. However, all eligible multi-tenant retail centers are strongly encouraged to apply. 

These target areas may shift or expand over time as the City refines its strategic priorities.  

Preferred Development Outcomes

All applicants will be considered on a case-by-case basis.  All applications will be considered for incentives that meet the eligibility requirements outlined in the Program policy, however, preference will be given to those projects that are expected to produce a transformative impact to the City of Sugar Land’s areas of commerce.  Applicants are encouraged to submit a project proposal that accomplishes two or more of the following preferred development outcomes: 

  • Modernize Building Facades: Improvements should modernize building facades by transforming existing urban landscapes into contemporary and visually appealing environments that are attractive to new commercial and retail tenants. 

  • Create Public Spaces: Improvements should incorporate placemaking elements that contribute to a distinct visual identity, such as unique outdoor seating areas, plazas, pocket parks, parklets and/or open communal spaces. 

  • Promote Walkability: Improvements should prioritize pedestrian-friendly design by promoting safer walkability of commercial areas. Implementing new sidewalks, pedestrian paths, or plazas to link various commercial uses to parking zones and/or other surrounding uses is ideal. (See example on Page 65 of the City’s Land Use Plan) 

  • Enhance Parking Infrastructure: Revitalize parking lots across the City, transforming neglected spaces into well-maintained, safe, and functional assets for the community. Parking lot improvements should be transformative and create inviting environments through resurfacing, lighting improvements, landscaping enhancement, pedestrian walkways, and more. 

  • Stimulate a Substantial Economic Impact: Project proposals should showcase a significant community transformation. Targeted investments in key areas should generate substantial and long-lasting economic benefits.  

  • Innovate with Transformative Public Projects that the City has not seen before 

Project Proposal Criteria

Project proposals should include quotes/estimates for a variety of improvements to retail properties/commercial centers, including, but not limited to: 

  • Façade improvements 

  • Exterior treatments including painting and siding 

  • Construction of new site amenities and open space improvements 

    • Plazas

    • Shade Structures

    • Outdoor seating & table areas

    • Parklets

  • Pedestrian improvements 

    • Pedestrian walkways through large surface lots 

    • Permanent outdoor seating & table areas 

    • Pedestrian-scale lighting 

    • Bicycle infrastructure & amenities

  • Commercial awnings 

  • Signage improvements

    • Wayfinding and branding signage 

  • Parking lot improvements

    • Repaving or resurfacing 

    • Replacement of excess surface parking for open space amenities 

  • Public art improvements, such as murals 

  • Improvements to public right-of-way or infrastructure 

  • Other building or site modernization improvements as determined by the SL4B Board of Directors 

  • Maintenance-related projects are strongly discouraged and may not be approved. Project proposals must be substantially transformative and rehabilitative as determined by Program Staff and the SL4B Board of Directors. 

Other Eligibility Details 

  • If awarded a grant, the applicant must execute a written performance agreement with the SL4B to ensure the funds are used for the intended and authorized purpose(s).    

  • A portion of the project must be eligible for funding through the Development Corporation Act, codified at Chapters 501 through 505 of the Texas Local Government Code (the “act”). When determining the grant award, the SL4B will only directly fund elements of a project that are eligible for economic development funding under the Act. 

  • The SL4B may consider projects that do not fit the above criteria at its own discretion. Provided, however, the project must be eligible under the Act. 

  • Improvements made, started, or paid for before approval of grant funding are not eligible for reimbursement funding under this program. 

General Application Requirements and Procedures

Application Process 

  • Interested applicants are encouraged to contact the Department of Redevelopment to discuss their project and their potential eligibility for the program as well as to ask any questions about the program, and how to complete the application process.  

  • Applicants are accepted on a rolling basis and must follow the adopted grant application process to be considered for a grant award. The full application must be completed in its entirety and submitted to Department of Redevelopment. 

Submission Process  

All the following are required to be submitted, and determined to be sufficient by the Department of Redevelopment, to be considered complete:  

  • Completed application; 

  • Project plan including:  

    • Concept for façade or other exterior improvement, showing the design or aesthetic of the proposed project; 

    • Detailed scope of work and/or architectural drawings and/or renderings of the improvements, reflecting placement, materials, and colors;

    • Proposed Project Timeline;  

    • Photographs of the existing exterior conditions of the building, including photos of the specific items to be addressed within the scope of work; 

  • A copy of the property tax bill or deed to confirm ownership of the property 


Review Process 

  • If funding is available, Department of Redevelopment staff will conduct an initial completeness and eligibility review on all received applications to determine if an application is complete and whether the applicant and project are eligible under the program guidelines. 

  • Applications will be reviewed by a staff committee composed of multiple City departments to determine eligibility based on program requirements as well as alignment with program goals & preferred development outcomes. 

  • All eligible, completed applications will be evaluated and submitted for approval on a case-by-case basis to the SL4B Board of Directors and/or City Manager, if applicable. 


Scoring Criteria  

Generally, project applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:  

  • Alignment with the Program’s eligibility requirements, program goals, and preferred development outcomes 

  • Quality and completeness of the application  

  • Extent, quality, and impact of the proposed project  

  • Promoting economic development 

  • Does the project promote and encourage employment and the public’s welfare? 

  • Is the project for infrastructure necessary to promote or develop new or expanded business enterprises, such as street and road improvements, site improvements, and related improvements?  

  • Does the project cultivate the community and improve the quality of life? Does the project help promote the retention or attraction of Sugar Land’s workforce and primary jobs?   


Post-award Process  

  • Once the grant award is approved, applicants will be required to enter into an agreement with the Sugar Land 4B Corporation. Included within the grant agreement/security documents will be commercially reasonable indemnification/insurance obligations on the part of any applicant awarded funds intended to protect the SL4B, or the City from any potential liability related in any manner to this grant.  

  • Once the grant is approved, generally the applicant will have six (6) months to begin construction. If the work does not begin within the six (6) month period, the applicant will be notified in writing that the grant may lapse, and the agreement may be terminated with no grant funds awarded or available to the applicant. Generally, the applicant will have one (1) to two (2) years from the date of the executed agreement to complete the project which will be determined based on the scope of work. Depending on the scope of the project and/or project timeline, extensions may be granted on a case-by-case basis at the SL4B General Manager’s sole discretion.  

  • The program will offer grants on a reimbursement basis only, per each project agreement. Under no circumstances will grant funds be disbursed as a cash advance prior to project costs being incurred and the scope of the project being fully completed. Funds are disbursed only after a reimbursement request is submitted per the requirements of the project agreement. Paperwork required to be submitted includes photographs of all completed work, receipts and/or invoices, bank statements, and certified/canceled checks for eligible project costs. If eligible project costs are less than the original grant approval, the SL4B has the right to reduce grant reimbursement accordingly. 


Other Requirements 

  • All rehabilitation work and design features must comply with all applicable City codes and ordinances, as well as state and federal law.   

  • All applicable local permits must be obtained.  

  • Any program participant or applicant hereby agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold the Sugar Land 4B Corporation, the City of Sugar Land, as well as any of their officers, directors, employees, and from any claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including but not limited to attorneys’ fees, asserted against the Parties relating in any way to a project.  

  • The grantee will be required to give the Sugar Land 4B Corporation and the City of Sugar Land, the unrestricted right to use, for any lawful purpose, any photographs or video footage taken of the property at the approved project location. 

  • Not all properties and/or projects meeting this program’s eligibility requirements will be able to receive reimbursement grants. Eligibility and awards under this program will be determined by the Program Staff, Sugar Land 4B Corporation, and/or City Manager in its sole discretion.  

Download Application (Word File)
2023 SL4B Joint CIP Program Handout
Program Policy

For more information, please contact us at

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