
Corporation Boards

Sugar Land Development Corporation 

Sugar Land Development Corporation was approved by City Council and established as a non-profit corporation in April 1993.  The Corporation was created to promote, assist and enhance economic development activities in the City of Sugar Land. 

The Corporation is managed by a board of seven directors, serving two-year terms, responsible for reviewing and making recommendations on the economic development policy needs of the City of Sugar Land such as strategic partnerships, incentive guidelines, annual budgets and project selection and funding. The Board is charged with developing, preparing and submitting an Economic Development Plan for approval by City Council, which includes short- and long-term objectives of the Corporation, guidelines on the use of tax funds received and procedures on how the use of funds will be determined. 

SLDC Projects
  • Smart Financial Performing Arts Centre

  • City Capital Improvement Projects

  • Sugar Land Town Square Infrastructure

  • Sugar Land Regional Airport Expansion

  • University of Houston - Sugar Land Campus

Sugar Land Development Corporation Board



Term Expiring

Stewart Jacobson


May 2024

Naushad Kermally

Vice President

May 2024

Joe R. Zimmerman

2-Year Term

May 2024

Jennifer Lane

2-Year Term

May 2024

Suzanne Whatley

2-Year Term

May 2024

Carol McCutcheon

2-Year Term

May 2024

William Ferguson

2-Year Term

May 2024

Sugar Land 4B Corporation

Sugar Land 4B Corporation was approved by City Council and established as a non-profit corporation in February 1995. The Corporation was created to promote, assist and enhance economic development activities and quality of life opportunities within the City of Sugar Land and to encourage economic development as authorized by the act. 

The Corporation is managed by a board of seven directors, serving two-year terms, responsible for developing and preparing an Economic Development Plan in accordance with policies or directives established by the City Council. The plan, which is submitted to City Council for approval, includes short- and long-term objectives of the corporation and guidelines on the use of sales tax funds received, which may include municipal facilities, parks, museums, stadiums, parking facilities and other facilities both private and public. 

SL4B Projects
  • University of Houston - Sugar Land Campus

  • Sugar Land Town Square Infrastructure

  • Houston Museum of Natural Science-Sugar Land

  • Constellation Field Minor League Ballpark

Sugar Land 4B Corporation Board



Term Expiring

Kurt Kirchof


Sept. 2026

Steve Bezecny

Vice President

Sept. 2026

Mary Ryder


Sept. 2026

Suzanne Whatley


Sept. 2026

William Ferguson


Sept. 2025

Stewart Jacobson


Sept. 2025

Alan Goodrich


Sept. 2025

SL4B Joint CIP Program

The SL4B Joint CIP Program is an opportunity to enhance the community through projects initiated by community based organizations for public improvements in which SL4B participation will increase the quality or scope and/or decrease time of development.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ)

A Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) is the real property that is taxed to fund the project. The zone is created when the project begins. The benefits of using a TIRZ as a financing tool are that is can:

  • Construct needed public infrastructure in areas with little development or lacking adequate development to attract businesses.

  • Encourage development, thereby increasing property values and long-term property tax collections.

  • Reduce the cost of private development by providing reimbursement for eligible public improvements.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) 1

TIRZ 1 was created in December 1998 through Ordinance 1149 which established a 63.4-acre zone around the intersection of US Hwy 59 and Highway 6 that is set to expire in December 2024. TIRZ 1 has a nine-member board inclusive of two (2) state appointees, six (6) City appointees, and one (1) Fort Bend County appointee. In January 2000, Ordinance 1149 was amended by Ordinance 1229, which reduced the acreage to 32 acres and extended the zone’s expiration to December 2025. This area is known today as Sugar Land Town Square.

Participating entities in the zone include City of Sugar Land, Fort Bend County and Levee Improvement District (LID 2); all contributing 100% of the tax increment generated by property taxes above the base value of $5,570,200. The final Project Plan was approved in March 2002 which outlines the plans for a mix of retail, office, restaurant, hotel, and public space in an urban-style downtown development.  The zone is responsible for funding roughly $11.5M in public infrastructure.

TIRZ 1 meetings are held the first Friday in March, June, September, and December and can be be streamed via the City’s YouTube Channel.

TIRZ 1 Board



Term Expiring

Allen Bogard



Robert Sawchuck



Donald Smithers



Jennifer May



Sawar Khan



Jared Jameson



Malvern Lusky



Laura Richard

Vice Chair


Nick Dhanani



Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) 3

TIRZ 3 was created in 2007 through Ordinance 1667 which established an 839.4-acre zone adjacent to State Highway 6 on the west and US Highway 90 on the south that is set to expire 2038. TIRZ 3 has a five-member board inclusive of (4) City appointees, and (1) Fort Bend County appointee.

Participating entities in the zone include the City of Sugar Land contributing 50% of the tax increment generated by property taxes above the base value of $5,602,490.  Fort Bend County contributes 50% of the tax increment generated by property taxes above the base value of $11,757,620. The purpose of TIRZ 3 is to facilitate a program of public improvements to allow the development and redevelopment of property in the Zone as a mixed-use community. Included in the redevelopment plans are the preservation and reuse of certain historic structures at the Imperial Sugar site and the location of a museum to house Imperial Sugar artifacts. A Tri-Party Funding Agreement between the City, TIRZ 3 and the Imperial Redevelopment District (IRD) authorized the District to implement TIRZ expenditures on the zone’s behalf. IRD meetings are held the third Thursday of every month with more information provided here: /133/Imperial-Redevelopment-District

TIRZ 3 meetings are held the second Wednesday in March, June, September and December and can be streamed via the City’s YouTube Channel.

TIRZ 3 Board



Term Expiring

Stewart Jacobson



Suzanne Whatley

Vice Chair


William Ferguson



Chris Barnett



Jay Neal



Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) 4

TIRZ 4 was created in 2009 through Ordinance 1768 which established a 698 acre zone located at the US Highway 59 – University Boulevard interchange that is set to expire 2039, TIRZ 4 has a nine-member board inclusive of (4) City appointees, (1) Fort Bend County, (1) Fort Bend County Drainage District, (1) Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District 137, (1) Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District 138, and (1) Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District 139. Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District 137 has not formally agreed to participate in the Zone and their position is currently vacant.

Participating entities in the zone include City of Sugar Land contributing 50% of the tax increment generated by property taxes above the base value of $21,523,29. Fort Bend County Municipal Utility District 138 and 139 all contributing 50% of the tax increment generated by property taxes above the base value of $10,527,513. Fort Bend County and the Fort Bend County Drainage District agreed to participate in the Zone at the following schedule: 2014- 2029 at 50%, 2030-2034 at 30%, 2035-2039 at 20% of the tax increment generated by property taxes above the base value $72,152,791. The purpose of TIRZ 4 is to finance public improvements and facilities necessary to support the development of employment, commercial, cultural arts, and entertainment districts within a mixed-use center.

TIRZ 4 meetings are held on the third Monday in March, June, September, and December and can be streamed via the City’s YouTube Channel.




Term Expiring

Greg Stirman



Bridget Yeung



Cynthia Knox



Carol McCutcheon



Marcelo Moacyr



Pamela Gubbels



Jennifer Raymond

Vice Chair


Terrie Gornet



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